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Shell Sirius X ist ein hochwertiges Schmiermittel der Klasse Super High Performance Diesel Engine Oil (SHPDO). Shell Sirius X eignet sich besonders für Hochleistungs- / Gewichtseinheiten, die in schnellen Schiffen und kompakten Generatorsätzen verwendet werden. Yacht Premuim Lubes Shell Sirius X 40! Nachfolge Produkt Delvac 1640 (gem Hersteller eingestellt)
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Shell Sirius X 40 ist ein hochwertiges Schmiermittel der Klasse Super High Performance Diesel Engine Oil (SHPDO). Es ist Entwickelt für Hochleistungsdieselmotoren mit höchster Leistung, Verbrennung von Destillatkraftstoff und bietet einen besseren Motorschutz und längere Ablassintervalle als normale Dieselmotorenöle.
Shell Sirius X eignet sich besonders für Hochleistungs- / Gewichtseinheiten, die in schnellen Schiffen und kompakten Generatorsätzen verwendet werden.
- High-speed diesel engines operating on distillate fuels.
- N.B. Not suitable for N. American automotive type engines, for which API CF-4 type oils are required.
Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations
- MTU (Type II high performance category)
- CWEC (Cummins Wärtsilä Engine Company)
- MWM Deutz (high output, high speed, e.g. TBD 620)
- Meets the requirements of Caterpillar 3600 Series
Performance, Features & Benefits
- Outstanding piston cleanliness
Free-running piston rings, even under difficult operational conditions, ensuring maximum reliability.
- Exceptional protection against bore polishing
Control of blow-by and oil consumption, preserving engine efficiency. SHPDO type oils are preferred by many engine manufacturers to guard against bore polishing.
- Exceptional engine cleanliness
Ability to retain high levels of soot safely in suspension, even with extended drain intervals.
- Oxidation resistance twice that of conventional oils
Ability to withstand high temperatures for longer, in severe service or with extended drain intervals.
- High reserve alkalinity
A TBN-E (total base number) of 17 to neutralise acids and provide corrosion protection until the next drain interval, even with the higher sulphur levels sometimes found in marine distillate fuels.
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