AQUALINK 300F VER2 ist eine gebrauchsfertige, biologisch abbaubare hydraulische Steuerflüssigkeit auf Wasser-Glykol-Basis, die speziell für die Anforderungen geschlossener Hydrauliksysteme wie sie auf Hubinseln und direkten oder gemultiplexten elektrohydraulischen Unterwassersystemen zu finden sind, entwickelt wurde und optimale Zuverlässigkeit, verbesserte Schmierfähigkeit und schnelle hydraulische Reaktionszeiten bietet. Sie wird auch in Unterwasser-Steueranwendungen eingesetzt.
Fluoreszierende Flüssigkeit pink transparent
Kinematische Viskosität @ 40ºC, cSt 2.0
Spezifisches Gewicht bei 15,5ºC 1,06
Flammpunkt (IP35 ASTM D-92) keiner
Pour Point (IP 12 ASTM D-97) -30ºC
AQUALINK 300F VER2 can be used as the hydraulic control fluid in both subsea production control applications and in closed-loop BOP control systems on jack-ups and platforms. It is water soluble and used neat.
Environmentally friendly Biodegradable closed loop BOP and Subsea Control Fluid, Jack-Up BOP control fluids
•Environmentally-friendly water glycols
•Surface BOP lubrication applications
•Closed system applications
•Replace mineral oils
Aqualink 300F VER2 is a ready-to-use biodegradable water glycol hydraulic control fluid specially designed to meet the requirements of closed loop hydraulic systems as found on Jack-up rigs and direct or multiplexed electro hydraulic subsea systems, providing optimum reliability, improved lubricity and fast hydraulic response times.
Metals Compatibility
Iron, steel, copper, bronze, brass, tin, nickel, stainless steeland anodised aluminium are all compatible. Zinc, cadmium and magnesium are not recommended and should be avoided or replaced.
Seal material properties can vary within a classification depending upon compounding techniques. Compounding can enhance or diminish various properties and characteristics.
In the case of Buna ‘N’ certain formulas will be more resistant than others. This can also be said for some of the urethanes.
Leather and cork are best avoided. Consult your packing and seal supplier for specific recommendations.
AQUALINK 300F VER2 is generally compatible with natural rubber and pure synthetic rubber packing’s and seals such as Buna ‘N’ (Nitrile), Butyl, Viton, Teflon, Nylon and Silicone.
Thermoplastic Hose Liner Material
Hytrel Polyester Elastomer
High temperature compatibility tests have shown that AQUALINK 300F VER2 provides acceptable resistance to physical change in the properties of Hytrel, compared with current water based subsea control fluids.
Likely to have a softening and stripping action on conventional paints. Where conventional paint coatings have to be replaced, those with an acrylic epoxy or silicone base should be suitable.
Borasilic glass micro filters, Cellulose and Phenolic Resin treated filters are suitable for use.
AQUALINK 300F VER2 is filtered to meet NAS1638 Class 6 cleanliness level in the drum.
Further information relating to system’s compatibility is available on request.
The products should be ideally stored in dry conditions.
ADR- None
Signalwort: Achtung
H302 - Gesundheitsschädlich bei Verschlucken.
H373 - Kann die Organe schädigen bei längerer oder wiederholter Exposition.
Prävention :
P260 - Dampf nicht einatmen.
P270 - Bei Gebrauch nicht essen, trinken oder rauchen.
P264 - Nach Gebrauch gründlich waschen.
Reaktion: P314 - Bei Unwohlsein ärztlichen Rat einholen oder ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen.
Lagerung: Nicht anwendbar.
Entsorgung: P501 - Inhalt und Behälter in Übereinstimmung mit allen lokalen, regionalen, nationalen und internationalen Gesetzen entsorgen.
The data given are not legally binding, as other important information are necessary before using these products. Please contact us.
Refer to MSDS for proper handling and disposal. Please note that the MSDS includes handling, health and disposal information which should be passed on to your employees, and to anyone else who comes in contact with our product. Additional advice can also be obtained from your local Houghton representative.
NOTE: Read and understand all precautions on container labels before using this product.