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Shell PANOLIN Biofluid PRS 32 is a readily biodegradable universal tractor transmission oil (UTTO) with good wear protection that prevents gumming and deposits,
PANOLIN Biofluid PRS 32 is designed for use in transmissions, hydraulic systems, oil immersed brakes and other ancillary systems fitted to agricultural tractors and off-road equipment
Main Applications
Not to be used as Engine Oil.
transmissions, hydraulic systems, oil immersed brakes and other ancillary systems fitted to agricultural tractors and off-road equipment
Performance, Features & Benefits
·Wear Protection
Prevents gumming and deposits of ageing products even under high thermal load.
·Design to protect against cold
The excellent low temperature fluidity of PANOLIN Biofluid PRS 32 results in responsive hydraulic performance and smooth performance from cold starts.
·Maintaining System Efficiency
Excellent air release helps to reduce foaming.
·Lower Environmental Impact
Recommended for use in environmentally sensitive areas - offers reduced impact of leak or accidental spillage into the environment compared to conventional mineral oils. Readily biodegradable, biodegraded by over 60% after 28 days in the OECD 301 B carbon dioxide evolution test. Low Ecotoxicity, classified as ‘not harmful’ to bacteria, algae, freshwater and marine invertebrates, and fish when tested as water-accommodated fractions (WAFs) according to OECD and EPA test guidelines.