helios_000050203276_Bohroel_Cut Max 902-10
  • helios_000050203276_Bohroel_Cut Max 902-10
  • lubricants_000059526740_GTL_helios_Cut Max 902-10

Cut Max 902-10


Cut-Max 902-10 is a classic deep-hole drilling of materials mid to high tensile strength. Grinding with ceramic and CBN wheels for internal grinding of driving bells or in outer loops of eg of stems of Nimoic valves.

lube packaging: 20 Litre pail
Product available with different options

Cut Max 902-10 allows excellent results in difficult loop operations of metalworking.

Colour amber
Density at 20 ° C kg / m³ 830 ASTM D 4052
Kinematic viscosity at 40 ° C 10 ASTM D 4052
Flash Point COC ° C 200 ASTM D 92
Pour point ° C - 30 ASTM D 92
Copper corrosion 4 c ASTM D 130

0 Items

Data sheet

GTL cutting fluid GTL Deep hole drilling medium tension