PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth Special zinc-free additive technology, formulated with high-performance fully synthetic saturated esters offer increased machinery efficiency through enhanced oil life and premium wear protection, Particularly suited for use in environmentally sensitive areas + in stationary and mobile hydraulic systems including construction, earthmoving and forestry
Specifications, Approvals & Recommendations
·Bosch Rexroth Fluid Rating RDE 90245
·ISO 15380 HEES
·Biodegradable OECD 301B >60%
Main Applications
For stationary and mobile hydraulic systems including earthmoving, forestry, construction and hydroelectric applications. Compressors, bearing lubrication and oil circulation systems & marine hydraulic systems,
Performance, Features & Benefits
·Enhanced oil life
Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth has an enhanced oil life and is designed to help equipment operate without interruptions, with multiple field examples of life time filling. Longer oil-drain intervals mean less oil being produced, purchased and disposed of. Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth
has an outstanding dry TOST life of over 6000 hours (modified ASTM D943 test). Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth has good oxidative stability which results in reduced fluid degradation, reducing filter blockage and increased viscosity. This helps prevent component failures, frequent filter and fluid changes, downtime, fluid consumption and parts and labor costs.
·Premium wear protection
Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth, the only Bosch Rexroth approved biodegradable hydraulic oil, is designed to help equipment operate without interruptions. Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth offers exceptional wear protection of hydraulic equipment, and strong protection from the build up of sludge and varnish.
·Designed to protect even in cold climates
Shell PANOLIN S4 HLP Synth has good cold flow behaviour which enables a safe start even in cold conditions, thereby reducing the risk of metal-on-metal wear. In addition to protecting the machine over a wide temperature operating range, shear-stable, high viscosity index fluids help enable increased hydraulic efficiency in comparison to typical HM mineral oil.
·Lower Environmental Impact
Recommended for use in environmentally sensitive areas - offers reduced impact of leak or accidental spillage into the environment compared to conventional mineral oils. Readily biodegradable, biodegraded by over 60% after 28 days in the OECD 301 B carbon dioxide evolution test. Low Ecotoxicity, classified as ‘not harmful’ when tested as wateraccommodated fractions (WAFs) according to OECD and EPA test guidelines. Tested to Industry Standard by 3rd Party Lab, all Shell PANOLIN products are tested against OECD 202.
Compatibility & Miscibility
·It is strongly recommended that an oil sample is taken from the system following changeover and analysed via the Shell Rapid Lubricants Analysis service to confirm the new fluid charge is fit for use.
·Fluid Compatibility
Shell PANOLIN Fluids are miscible with mineral oils.
However, in order to ensure that the environmental properties and performance of Shell PANOLIN Fluids are maintained, the system should be drained and flushed thoroughly when changing fluids.