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Methanol alternative fuel, eFuels, H2 base fuel, methanol hydrogen,
Excerpts from methanol UN 336-1230 Inform yourself comprehensively before use!
-Highly flammable liquid, toxic ADR 336 1230, usual flash point 10 ° C (according to ADR below 23 ° C)
-Leaking liquid evaporates - high risk of explosion
-Forms explosive mixtures with air, even in empty, uncleaned containers
-Severe, possibly fatal poisoning if swallowed
-Excerpt: PPE includes, for example, respiratory protection, emergency escape mask (full protection), protective suit and more
-Excerpt from the transfer process: Inform the public about the danger + point it out, stay on the side facing the wind ...
Please inquire only from trained, approved, qualified orders - the product is subject to energy tax
1. Features.
Dangerous for skin, eyes and respiratory tract.
Generates dangerous fumes.
Toxic if swallowed, inhaled or in contact with skin.
Flash point below 23 ° C.
Miscible with water (more than 10%) or heavier than water.
2. Dangers.
The effect of heat on the container leads to an increase in pressure with the risk of bursting and subsequent explosion.
Develops toxic and irritating fumes, even in the event of fire.
Can form explosive mixtures with air.
The vapors can be invisible and are heavier than air. They spread on the ground and can penetrate into sewers and basements.
3. Personal protection.
Chemical protection suit CSA full protection
Wear protective clothing according to EN 469 under the protective suit.
6. Special precautionary measures when recovering damaged goods.
Ensure adequate grounding when pumping.
Use explosion-proof pumps. Observe suitable temperature class for electric pumps. At least T3!
Use mineral oil-resistant equipment.
Collect spilled product in ventilated containers equipped with absorption filters.
4.1 General measures.
No smoking, exclude sources of ignition.
Danger to the public! Ask people in the vicinity to stay indoors, close windows and doors, and turn off air conditioning. Consider evacuating people.
Proceed with the wind. Wear protective gear prior to entering the danger zone.
Limit the number of troops in the danger zone.