lubrication of highly loaded rolling and sliding bearings and joints for medium speeds and medium to low sliding speeds and uneven movement towards and under the direct influence of water to reduce friction and wear
Rolling and sliding universal grease
-Operating temperature -30 ° C to +140 ° C
-briefly to 180 ° C.
-Calcium-complex grease for highly loaded plain and rolling bearings under influence of water
-NLGI 1-2, brown
-High mechanical stability, high pressure resistance, water-resistant
-suitable for central lubrication systems, very eligible
helios Grease Cer-LT EP reduces friction and wear at high temperatures and pressures for protection against corrosion and protection of the camp harmful impurities and maintain the lubricating effect even in the presence of water. Rolling and sliding bearings in the industrial sector, joints (cardan shafts, drive spindles under the direct influence of water, suitable for central lubrication systems with long cable systems, for example in continuous casting and cooling beds.
Thickener Calcium complex soap
Penetration 1/10 mm 265 - 295 DIN ISO 2137
Droppoint °C ≥ 240 IP 396
Corrosiontest Corr.-Grad 0 und 1 DIN 51 802 (EMCOR-TEST)
Oilseperation (40°C/169h) % ≤ 4 DIN 51 817
Baseoil mineral KP 1-2 N-30 L