Shell Corena S2 P is high quality air compressor oil designed to deliver the lubrication performance for high pressure reciprocating compressors. It is suitable for most reciprocating air compressors running at up to 220°C discharge temperatures at elevated pressures.
• Reciprocating air compressors Industrial reciprocating air compressors operating with air discharge temperatures of up to 220°C.
• Shell Corena S2 P may be used in breathing air compressors, provided subsidiary clean-up apparatus is used to ensure that the air produced is fit for breathing.
• Prolonged service intervals Allows the interval between valve and piston maintenance to be extended. Compressors can be kept in service for much longer periods, operating at a consistently high level of efficiency.
• Safe air lines In discharge air-lines, the combination of rust particles, dispersed in carbonaceous deposits, coupled with heat from recently compressed air, can cause an exothermic reaction leading to the possibility of fires and explosion. Corena P helps to minimise the likelihood of this danger arising.
• Very good oxidation resistance Resistant to the formation of carbon deposits and lacquer on valves and piston crowns, caused by the by-products of corrosion, such as ferric oxides and hydroxides, at high working temperatures and pressures. Such deposits can cause serious damage, lower compressor efficiency and increase maintenance costs.
• Very good rusting and wear protection Effectively protects all metal surfaces from corrosion. Protects all sensitive machinery parts, e.g. housings, valves, bearings, from wear and prolongs the service intervals.
• Very good air release and anti-foam properties The careful choice of additives ensures rapid air release without excessive foaming.
• Very good water separation properties Corena P separates readily from water allowing excess water to be drained from the oil circulation system, thus preventing accelerated corrosion and a reduction in lubrication efficiency. This also helps to separate oil from condensate in oil/water separators and drier units.
Corena S2 P 150 is approved by Bauer and is included in the “Bauer reference oil list for breathing air compressor lubricants”.