Gas Kompressoröl Synth185-PAG is a high performance compressor lubricant for gas and chemical compression. Particularly Suitable for marine service on vessels carrying specialty liquefied gases.
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Gas Kompressoröl Synth185-PAG is available in higher viscosity grades in ISO VG 100, 150 and 185, suitable for gas and chemical compressors. This enables compressors to operate at different temperatures and ambient conditions. The new higher viscosity grades still provide excellent low temperature performance with high flash points.
Gas Kompressoröl Synth185-PAG is a high performance compressor lubricant for gas and chemical compression. It is designed for enclosed pattern gas compressors for hydrocarbon and chemical gases, where the crankcase and bearings operate in a gas-filled atmosphere. Under these conditions the gas is readily soluble in mineral oil lubricants, which on dilution suffer a significant drop in viscosity and lubricant performance. This problem can be overcome by using Gas Kompressoröl Synth185-PAG in which the gases are much less soluble. Furthermore, Gas Kompressoröl Synth185-PAG is particularly suitable for marine service on vessels carrying specialty liquefied gases.